NIDA for Teens: The Science Behind Drug Abuse
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College student, to start off with for someone so educated your grammar is terrible. Secondly i think your counting your chickens before they hatch. Your not finished with school yet. [deleted, per guidelines]. I have many more years of lifes experiences than you and from what i can tell you are an [deleted, per guidelines] fool. Children and teenagers that still have a choice and a future, Saying drugs will ruin your life is an understatement. I have seen smart people with good futures die from drugs. People that could have been doctors, chemist, astronauts ended up throwing their life away while they were looking for a way to get high. So if you want to listen to college student, (someone who probably has not finished their first semester) then go ahead a throw your life away. And when you are sitting in jail because you got busted by the cops, i hope you remember reading this because you wont even be able to get a job at mcdonald's.

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