Capture Audio for Your Video

Video Implementation (Shooting)—Step 1 of 9

Good audio conveys a sense of place and tone, and is critical to creating compelling video content. Take steps to ensure background noise doesn't down out your main audio track, and pay attention to microphone placement.

Listen Before You Shoot Your Video

Use headphones to record a few seconds of video, then play it back and listen for anything that shouldn't be there—traffic, people talking, air conditioning, etc. Nothing can remove those sounds later on in editing.

Control Your Environment

Hang–up signs letting others know you are taping. If you can’t get the quiet you need, find a new location.

Get Real Close

Aim your microphone directly at your subject (handheld mics or lavaliers work best) when interviewing. Don't use the built–in camera mic for interviews—your audio will sound distant and weak.

Next Step

Go to our Video Implementation (Shooting) step 2: Compose Your Video Shots.

Return to the Main Video Guide.

Content Lead: Jonathan Rubin
Page Reviewed/Updated: May 10, 2012

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