Citizen Archivist Dashboard
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Our Archives Wiki

Our Archives Wiki is an online space for researchers, educators, genealogists, and Archives staff to share information and knowledge about the records of the National Archives and about their research.
Here are just a few of the ways you may want to participate:

  • Create new pages and edit pre-existing pages
  • Share your research tips
  • Store useful information discovered during research
  • Expand upon a description in our online catalog

Check out the “Getting Started” page. When you’re ready to edit, you’ll need to log in by creating a username and password.

Edit Articles on Wikipedia

Calling all Wikipedians! We’d love your help improving articles related to the records of the National Archives. WikiProject NARA is a project focused on sharing the National Archives’ resources with the public and improving Wikipedia’s coverage of topics related to the National Archives.

Anyone can become an editor of Wikipedia. However, if you’re new to editing on Wikipedia, you will want to begin with the “Editing Wikipedia” page to get familiar with the basics of editing.

What can you do?  There are two exciting initiatives - one related to Ansel Adams photographs and another related to Today’s Document. Find more information about these projects below.

Ansel Adams Photographs

We’ve shared high resolution images of public-domain National Park Service photographs from photographer Ansel Adams. This project encourages individuals to incorporate these photos into existing Wikipedia articles and other Wikimedia projects.

Today’s Document Challenge

This project encourages individuals to write or expand articles related to documents featured as “Today’s Document” on  Successful entries will be listed on the National Archives page for the document and editors will be given credit on that page as authors.

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272
