Home.Statistics and Data

TTB Statistics and Data

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On this Web page, we provide timely, accurate, and useful statistics and data, including statistics about industry production and operations, TTB tax collections, and processing times for online labeling approval, applications, permits, and requests for information.

We also offer tax rates for alcohol beverages, tobacco products, firearms and ammunition, as well as analysis tools such as our formula approval tool and conversion charts.

Statistics Reports and Data

Comprehensive statistical data collections and other data resources.


Tools and other resources for common TTB-related tasks.

Reports and Presentations

Published reports, presentations, and other publications.


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While these Web pages include links to select and important TTB-related analysis products, it is not a comprehensive source of such products. Visit our About TTB page for more information about our mission and functions.


Description: http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/judge/iphone/128/phone-icon.png CONTACT US
For more information on statistical data, contact the TTB National Revenue Center (NRC) toll-free at 877-882-3277 / 877-TTB-FAQS or by email at TTBInternetQuestions@ttb.gov. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, contact us at 202-453-9914.

Page last reviewed/updated: 10/03/2012

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