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Tips for Submission

Applications must now be prepared with the electronic application process using the SF424. (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/424/index.htm). Detailed instructions for completing the forms are available at the same address.

The competition for RRI Program funds is significant. Therefore, the best way to increase your funding chances is to improve the quality of your application. Preparing a successful application presents two basic challenges:

First you need to have a good idea that can be translated into a realistic program of research that meets the stated objectives of the RFA.

Second, the ideas and associated research program must be explained in a way that allows others to gain confidence in their importance, the soundness of your methods, and the ability of your research team to complete the work as described.

To date, there has been no shortage of good ideas, but these ideas have not always been explained carefully and fully enough to convince others that the work is worth supporting. Sometimes, small changes in an application could make a big difference. As you prepare you application, following the 10 tips for preparing a successful application (pdf) may be worth considering.
