Eating Well As You Get Older

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can eating well help me stay healthy?
  2. What kinds of foods are the healthiest?
  3. What are calories and how many should I consume each day?
  4. What amounts of food should I eat?
  5. What kinds of vegetables should I eat?
  6. What kinds of fruits should I eat?
  7. What kinds of grains should I eat?
  8. What are whole-grain foods?
  9. How do I know if a food is whole grain?
  10. What are the benefits of eating vegetables, fruits, and grains?
  11. What are some sources of protein?
  12. What about dairy products?
  13. What does the Nutrition Facts label on packaged and canned foods tell me?
  14. Is it okay to eat some fat?
  15. Are some oils healthier than others?
  16. Which kinds of fat should I limit?
  17. How can I lower the amount of fat in my diet?
  18. Should I limit the amount of cholesterol I consume?
  19. Should I limit the amount of sodium I consume?
  20. What about added sugars?
  21. Should I limit alcoholic beverages?
  22. What can I do about constipation?
  23. Where can I learn more about eating well?
  24. How can I choose healthier foods when shopping?
  25. I find it difficult to shop for food. Where can I get help?
  26. How can I eat well if I'm on a limited budget?
  27. Which Federal Government programs help low-income older adults buy food?
  28. Why do people lose interest in eating and cooking as they get older?
  29. What should I do if I don't feel like eating?
  30. I don't enjoy meals because I often eat alone. Where can I find others to eat with?
  31. How can I choose healthier foods when I eat out?

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