
Online Detainee Locator System

Online Detainee Locator System

Use this page to locate a detainee who is currently in ICE custody, or who was released from ICE custody for any reason within the last 60 days.

Note: Online Detainee Locator System cannot search for records of persons under the age of 18.

Search by A-Number

If you know the detainee's A-Number, ICE recommends you use the A-Number search. The A-Number must be exactly nine digits long. If the A-Number has fewer than nine digits, please add zeros at the beginning. You are also required to select the detainee's correct Country of Birth.

(e.g., 012345678)

Search by Biographical Information

When searching by name, a detainee's first and last names are required and must be an exact match (e.g., John Doe will not find Jon Doe or John Doe-Smith). You are also required to select the detainee's Country of Birth. It is optional to enter the detainee's Date of Birth to further narrow the search. Note that all value input below are evaluated for exact matches.

* Required field