FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 99-18 SEC Posts Securities Industry Y2K Readiness Information on Web Searchable database includes Year 2000 reports from broker- dealers, transfer agents, investment advisers, and mutual funds Washington, D.C., February 16, 1999 -- The Securities and Exchange Commission has posted a searchable database on the SEC Web site that gives investors instant access to the Y2K readiness reports that certain broker-dealers, transfer agents, investment advisers, and mutual funds are required to file with the SEC. The database to date includes more than 13,000 reports that describe their * state of Y2K readiness * costs to address the Y2K problem * Y2K risks * contingency plans The Commission views the Year 2000 problem as a serious issue that, if not addressed, could disrupt the proper functioning of many of the world's computer systems. To prevent disruptions, companies need to examine their computers and programs, fix the problem, test their systems, test interactions with other organizations, and certify their computer systems as Y2K compliant before January 1, 2000. # # #