United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Success Story - Melissa Stockwel

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Veteran Success Stories

Photograph of Melissa Stockwell

Name: Melissa Stockwell

Military Branch: Army

Disability: Above the knee amputee

Adaptive Sport: Paratriathlon

Training Regimen: "Swim, bike, run! Six to twelve hours a week depending on the week."

Competitions: Nautica NYC National Championships Triathlon; World Championships in Beijing, China.

How did you get involved in adaptive sports: "With the help of organizations such as the Wounded Warrior Project and the Challenged Athletes Foundation, I was urged out of my hospital room to participate in activities and sports I never dreamed of doing with one leg. I caught the athletic bug early on as I loved the feeling of crossing the finish line or seeing my times improve."

How adaptive sports changed your life: "Sports have helped me feel more alive than I ever did with two legs. I feel more confident that I can do anything I put my mind to, with one leg or two. Participating in sports has become a way of life for me and I hope to continue for many years to come."

Melissa participates in sports for: Fun, health and fitness and competition.

Fun fact: Melissa loves country music and is addicted to Chapstick. She carries at least three with her at all times.

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