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Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®)

2012AB Release Information

Release Metadata and Statistics

Abbreviations Used in Data Elements
Lists abbreviations and definitions of abbreviations used in Metathesaurus data elements, alphabetically by attribute type; includes relationship attributes.
Attribute Names
Lists column and data element abbreviations, names and descriptions in Metathesaurus files in alphabetical order by abbreviation; includes field length and SQL92 datatype information. Provided for both Original Release and Rich Release Formats.
Columns and Data Elements
Lists column and data element abbreviations, names and descriptions in Metathesaurus files in alphabetical order by abbreviation; includes field length and SQL92 datatype information. Provided for both Rich Release and Original Release Formats.
Content Views
Lists Content Views and descriptions in Metathesaurus files.
Source and Term Types: Default Order of Precedence and Suppressibility
Lists sources and term types in default order of rank or precedence, used to determine referred names in the Metathesaurus, and notes the default suppressibility status assigned to each Source|Term Type.
Source Vocabularies
Lists alphabetically by source abbreviation vocabularies and classifications that are the sources of the concepts, terms and relationships in the Metathesaurus. HIPAA standard and CHI recommended vocabularies and code sets are noted.
Provides an overview of the current Metathesaurus, including summary counts of concepts, names, sources and languages.

Release Documentation Archive