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HIV/AIDS Health Topics

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Specific Populations: Veterans

Daily Living with HIV/AIDS HTML

Source: United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Links to information about HIV/AIDS and alternative therapies, diet and nutrition, drug and alcohol use, exercise, mental health, and sexuality.

Department of Veterans Affairs, National HIV/AIDS Strategy, Operational Plan, 2011 PDF

Source: United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Report that includes information on the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) plans to operationalize National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) national goals.

HIV/AIDS for Veterans and the Public HTML

Source: United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Website with links to HIV/AIDS information for veterans and the general public, including information on HIV testing, treatment, and living with HIV/AIDS.

The State of Care for Veterans with HIV/AIDS, December 2009 HTML

Source: United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Report that describes the distribution of veterans with HIV/AIDS within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). Provides basic demographic data; describes pharmacologic treatment, other conditions commonly seen with HIV monitoring, screening, and vaccinations; and provides data that can be used to assess and guide interventions to improve the quality of care VHA delivers to veterans with HIV/AIDS.

Tips for Common Side Effects HTML

Source: United States Department of Veterans Affairs

List of some common side effects of antiretroviral (ARV) HIV medications, including suggestions for how people can manage them.

U.S. Military HIV Research Program (MHRP) HTML

Source: U.S. Military HIV Research Program (MHRP)

Organization that works to protect U.S. troops from HIV infection and reduce the global impact of the disease, with a focus on developing a globally effective HIV-1 vaccine and providing prevention, care, and treatment through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).