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NEH on Capitol Hill

NEH and Disaster Preparedness and Response

August 9, 2012

NEH hosts a workshop for Congressional staff on how NEH programs can help museums, libraries and other cultural institutions protect their collections from natural disasters. NEH staff highlight ways DC-based Congressional staff can work with their district offices to support museums, libraries, colleges, and other institutions in their district in disaster preparedness and disaster response. Presenters will give examples of past NEH grant awards that have helped cultural institutions avoid major damage during natural disasters, describe assistance provided to museums and archives by state humanities councils in the wake of Hurricane Irene, and provide information to help constituents apply for NEH grants.

Event Details

For more information regarding this event:

Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Contact: Caitlin Green E-mail:
Cannon House Office Building, Cannon 121
Independence Avenue and First Street
Washington , DC 20003
United States
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