Reporting FEMA Fraud

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Hotline Report Fraud Waste & Abuse

If you have knowledge of employee corruption, fraud, waste, abuse or allegation of mismanagement involving FEMA disaster relief operations, please report it to the DHS OIG Hotline.  You can file a report online by accessing the DHS OIG Investigative Referral Submission Form.   Automated filing of the DHS OIG Investigative Referral Submission Form will ensure that your allegation is expeditiously received by the OIG. 

If you wish to receive an electronic “Complaint Number Notification” alert message via email, you must provide a point of contact email address.  Failure to provide a point of contact email address precludes the OIG from notifying you of the assignment of a Complaint Number to your allegation.

Your allegation will be reviewed and processed in the order it was received.  Assignment of a Complaint Number, and notification of such assignment, is not an indication your complaint will be investigated by the DHS OIG or any other applicable investigative body. 

If you cannot use the DHS OIG Investigative Referral Submission Form, please file your allegation by:


U.S. Mail:
DHS Office of Inspector General/MAIL STOP 2600
Attention: Office of Investigations - Hotline
245 Murray Drive SW, Building 410
Washington, DC 20528

