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cover of Collier's, Sherlock Holmes

Long Live Sherlock Holmes

The genius detective from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has inspired a mountain of imitations.

Cartoon, hunters shooting ducks

From Cartoons to Conservation

Jay "Ding" Darling was the best friend a duck ever had.

Sea-otter hunt, Alaska, 1910

A Company Town

Alaska's sea-otter hunting left records of village life.


The Wreck of the Reformation

Florida's coast was a deadly place for seventeenth-century castaways.

Drawing of Jennison's Jayhawkers

Bushwhackers and Jayhawkers

Kansans relive the guerrilla raids of the Border Wars.

Robert Smalls

A Voyage to Freedom

Robert Smalls commandeered a Confederate ship to escape from slavery in South Carolina.

James Meredith

The Evolution of Ole Miss

Fifty years ago, James Meredith integrated the University of Mississippi.

USS Constitution

Fractures of 1812

Massachusetts nearly secedes during the War of 1812.

Constructing cables on the Golden Gate Bridge

Steel into Gold

A steel town in New Jersey made the Golden Gate Bridge possible.

The Porch at Hearthside

Picture Perfect

A cache of photographs reveals the history of a historic Rhode Island house.