Picture of Selected Prescription Drugs With Potential for Abuse (Chart)
Offers a list prescription drugs commonly abused, including depressants, opioids and morphine derivatives, and stimulants, and provides their common and street names, how they are generally administered, and their potential health effects.
Picture of Serie de Reportes:Heroina Abuso y Adiccion (NIDA Research Report Series:Heroin Abuse & Addiction)
Ofrece la última información científica sobre el abuso de la heroína y explora las consecuencias a la salud y médicas de su uso, el abuso de la heroína durante el embarazo y las opciones de tratamiento para la adicción a esta droga.
Picture of NIDA Research Report Series: Therapeutic Community
Provides an overview of therapeutic communities, drug-free residential settings that use a hierarchical model with treatment stages to reflect increased levels of personal and social responsibility.
Picture of Serie de Reportes Esteroides Anabolicos Abuso (NIDA Research Report Series Anabolic Steroid Abuse)
Explora las últimas investigaciones sobre el uso de esteroides anabólicos, incluyendo las consecuencias de su abuso , sus efectos en el comportamiento, la investigación sobre la prevención y métodos eficaces de tratamiento.
Picture of Serie de Reportes: Adiccion al Tabaco (Spanish NIDA Research Report Series: Tobacco Addiction)
Aborda los efectos dañinos del consumo de tabaco, los riesgos asociados con el embarazo y los adolescentes, así como las mejores prácticas para la prevención y el tratamiento de la adicción al tabaco.
Picture of Serie de Reportes:Medicamentos de Prescripcion Abuso y Adiccion Prescription Drug Abuse & Addiction
Examina el uso no médico de medicamentos de prescripción (los opiáceos, los depresores del sistema nervioso, y los estimulantes) y describe los efectos adversos para la salud de su uso y la prevención y el tratamiento de la adicción a estos medicamentos.
Picture of NIDA Research Report Series: Prescription Drugs Abuse and Addiction
Examines the non-medical use of prescription drugs-opioids, central nervous system depressants, and stimulants-describing adverse health effects of their use and the prevention and treatment of addiction.
Picture of NIDA Research Report Series: Anabolic Steroids
Explores the latest research on anabolic steroid use, including health consequences of steroid abuse, the effects it can have on behavior, prevention research, and effective treatment approaches.
Picture of Principios de Tratamiento para la Drogadiccion: Una Guia (Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment)
Presenta los principios de tratamientos de drogadicción basados en investigaciones para una variedad de drogas, incluyendo la nicotina, el alcohol, las drogas ilícitas y los medicamentos de prescripción, principios que deberían ser tomados en cuenta por los programas de tratamiento y servicios de toxicomanías.
Picture of Serie de Reportes: Abuso de Inhalantes (NIDA Research Report Series: Inhalant Abuse Spanish Version)
Proporciona la investigación científica sobre la naturaleza y el alcance del abuso de inhalantes, sus consecuencias potenciales para la salud y los peligros de las sustancias químicas que se encuentran en los inhalantes comúnmente abusados​​.
Picture of NIDA Research Report Series: Hallucinogens & Dissociative Drugs(LSD,PCP,Ketamine,Dextromethorphan)
Offers the latest research findings on hallucinogens and dissociative drugs, describing what they are, how they are abused, and basic facts about different drugs within this classification of drugs.
Picture of Serie de Reportes: Cocaina Adiccion y Abuso - Research Report Series Cocaine Abuse and Addiction
Describe los últimos resultados de las investigaciones sobre la cocaína, y explora el alcance de su uso en los EE.UU., sus efectos sobre la salud a corto y largo plazo, el consumo de cocaína durante el embarazo y enfoques de tratamientos.
Picture of Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide
Presents research-based principles of addiction treatment for a variety of drugs, including nicotine, alcohol, and illicit and prescription drugs, that can inform drug treatment programs and services.
Picture of NIDA Research Report Series: Cocaine Abuse and Addiction
Describes the latest research findings on cocaine, exploring the scope of abuse in the U.S., its potential long- and short-term health effects, maternal cocaine use, and treatment approaches.
Picture of NIDA Research Report Series: Inhalant Abuse
Provides scientific research on the nature and extent of inhalant abuse, its potential health consequences, and hazards of chemicals found in commonly abused inhalants.
Picture of NIDA Research Report Series: Tobacco Addiction
Discusses the harmful effects of tobacco use, risks associated with pregnancy and adolescents, as well as best practices for the prevention and treatment of tobacco addiction.
Picture of NIDA Research Report Series: Methamphetamine Abuse and Addiction
Provides an overview of the latest scientific findings on methamphetamine, including short- and long-term health consequences, effects on pregnancy, and potential prevention and treatment options.
Picture of NIDA Research Report Series: Heroin Abuse and Addiction
Offers the latest scientific information on heroin abuse, exploring the health and medical consequences of its use, maternal heroin abuse, and treatment options for heroin addiction.
Picture of Preventing Drug Use in Children/Adolescents: Parent/Educator/Comm Leader Guide, 2nd ed., 8.5x11
Presents research-based drug abuse prevention principles, an overview of program planning, and critical first steps for those learning about prevention.