Picture of Heads Up: Real News About Drugs and Your Body- Year 02-03 Compilation for Teachers
A collection of articles and teacher lesson plans designed to teach students about the repercussions of drug use, including topics such as tobacco, marijuana, ecstasy, inhalants, heroin, and steroids.

National Drug Facts Week Starter Kit

Four publications to help teens attending your NDFW event learn key scientific facts about drugs, abuse, addiction, consequences, prevention, and treatment. The kit includes enough copies for 30 students.

All Drugs Lesson Kit

A kit to educate teens about drug use in general. Includes a poster, activity worksheets, lesson plans, articles, and more. The kit includes enough copies for 30 students.

Marijuana Lesson Kit

A kit to educate teens about marijuana and its potential harmful effects. The kit includes enough copies for 30 students.

Prescription Drug Abuse Lesson Kit

A kit to educate teenage students about the health consequences of improper prescription drug use. The kit includes enough copies for 30 students.