NCFY Recommends: A Guide to Family Intervention


National Alliance to End Homelessness logo, showing a doorway and a window of a houseFamily conflict often lies at the heart of a young person's homelessness. So it makes sense that helping youth and their families get along is one of the most important and challenging aspects of preventing and addressing youth homelessness. The National Alliance to End Homelessness in June held a webinar on "family intervention" as a tool for building relationships and increasing stability for homeless youth. Speakers André C. Wade, program and policy analyst with NAEH, Tania Pryce, director of outreach for Youth Services of Tulsa, and Norweeta Milburn, a researcher at UCLA's Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, talked about:

  • The practices included in family intervention, such as family reunification, family connecting, family finding and aftercare
  • Examples of evidence-based family interventions
  • Support to Reunite, Involve and Value Each Other, or STRIVE, a short, evidence-based family intervention model

You can view the webinar slides on NAEH's website.

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National Clearinghouse on Families & Youth | 5515 Security Lane, Suite 800 | North Bethesda, MD 20852 | (301) 608-8098 |