Program Management Office Program Management Office

created Feb 18, 2011

updated May 11, 2011

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The Office of the Legal Adviser publishes the annual Digest of United States Practice in International Law to provide the public with a historical record of the views and practice of the Government of the United States in public and private international law. In his introduction to the 2003 volume, then Legal Adviser William H. Taft IV stated in part: "The year 2003 witnessed a number of significant developments in the field of international law. The military campaign to oust Saddam Hussein and his regime in Iraq and the continuing effort to locate Osama bin Laden and his supporters gave rise to many important legal issues, including those related to the lawful use of force, the response to international terrorism, and compliance with international humanitarian law. Beyond Iraq and Afghanistan, of course, many other situations affecting international security and stability generated complicated and sensitive issues for the world community and its lawyers. . . ." "The year was also marked by a series of significant cases and decisions in domestic courts and international tribunals related to international law and practice. The International Court of Justice in The Hague handed down its decision on preliminary measures in the Avena case brought by Mexico under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, as well as its judgment in the Oil Platforms case (Iran v. United States). By agreement the Lockerbie case (Libya v. United States) before the ICJ was discontinued. Ongoing litigation in our domestic courts concerned fundamental issues arising under two important U.S. statutes, the Alien Tort Statute of 1789 and the 1976 Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. Other cases began to address issues related to the status and rights of detainees in Guantanamo and the United States. Significant decisions were rendered in several cases by NAFTA tribunals. And the United States made several major submissions in government-to-government and interpretative cases pending before the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal. We were also active in bringing and defending claims under the dispute resolution mechanisms of the WTO. . . ."

Community Rating
Your Rating
China, capital punishment, psychotropic, Pan Am 103, military, export controls, commercial law, sanctions, state sponsor, Cyprus, jurisdiction, biological diversity, terrorist, defense articles, NATO, Ukraine, labor law, General Assembly, Sudan, weapons convention, investment, International Maritime Organization, Cuba, labor issues, non-proliferation, Guantanamo, maritime, World Trade Organization, smuggling, intellectual property, WTO, Avena, trafficking, Council of Europe, Soviet Union, self-defense, children, Burma, interdiction, NAFTA, Angola, torture, organized crime, Montreal Protocol, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Mexico, AIDS, ICJ, money laundering, Lebanon, President, IAEA, Legal Adviser, Supreme Court, nuclear, Zimbabwe, environment, Israel, Nicaragua, arms control, drugs, Georgia, expropriation, Burundi, corruption, preservation, intervention, Colombia, marine, drug trade, International Criminal Court, counterterrorism, protocol, peacekeeping, constitution, France, extradition, biological weapons, Department of State, privileges and immunities, Poland, Middle East, border, William J. Clinton, chemical weapons, Marshall Islands, narcotic, crime, piracy, missile, foreign missions, statute, cultural object, international organization, Belarus, war crimes, Russia, Northern Mariana Islands, bilateral investment treaty, FSIA, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, act of state, Moldova, exports, law of the sea, Cambodia, court, national security, Afghanistan, armed conflict, Deputy Secretary, cultural property, Congo, North American Free Trade Organization, Arctic, marine environment, comity, agreements, Holocaust, electronic commerce, Somalia, foreign affairs, prisoner transfer, International Law Commission, West Bank, conservation, Hague, Pakistan, Gaza, Bosnia, arbitration, Libya, jus cogens, alien, HIV, deportation, Al Qaeda, detention, Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Costa Rica, overflight, diplomatic, family, Czech Republic, immunities, law enforcement, Syria, Haiti, diplomatic note, genocide, International law, Secretary of State, testimony, space, Iraq, trafficking in persons, Liberia, pollution, discrimination, Alien Tort Statute, immunity, claims, gender, drug trafficking, Iran, apartheid, labor standards, trade, Vienna, travel restrictions, air transport, carriage of goods, refugee, state courts, former Yugoslavia, OECD, compliance, Organization of American States, Cold War, Al-Qa'ida, International Court of Justice, defense, ILC, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, citizenship, United Kingdom, use of force, criminal, Peru, Thailand, UNIDROIT, mutual legal assistance, Alien Tort Claims Act, Algiers Accords, North Korea, Al-Qaida, human rights, Vienna Convention, consular, immigration, Lockerbie, India, Uruguay, Article 33, data, Japan, customary international law, licensing, Romania, forum non conveniens, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Germany, service of process, proliferation, Nauru, conflict resolution, detainee, Panama, United Nations, Micronesia, asylum, Taliban, state responsibility, Geneva, oil, Hungary, naturalization, marine scientific research, Canada, Yugoslavia, softwood lumber, migrant, intercountry adoption, passport, Philippines, religious freedom, nonproliferation, Rwanda, judicial assistance, family law, fish, convention, Security Council, navigation, weapons of mass destruction, political rights, international child abduction, tribunals, reciprocity, visa, treaty practice, Red Cross, terrorism
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International Law
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Department of State
This view cannot be displayed Program Management Office Program Management Office

created Feb 18, 2011

updated May 11, 2011


The Office of the Legal Adviser publishes the annual Digest of United States Practice in International Law to provide the public with a historical record of the views and practice of the Government of the United States in public and private international law. In his introduction to the 2003 volume, then Legal Adviser William H. Taft IV stated in part: "The year 2003 witnessed a number of significant developments in the field of international law. The military campaign to oust Saddam Hussein and his regime in Iraq and the continuing effort to locate Osama bin Laden and his supporters gave rise to many important legal issues, including those related to the lawful use of force, the response to international terrorism, and compliance with international humanitarian law. Beyond Iraq and Afghanistan, of course, many other situations affecting international security and stability generated complicated and sensitive issues for the world community and its lawyers. . . ." "The year was also marked by a series of significant cases and decisions in domestic courts and international tribunals related to international law and practice. The International Court of Justice in The Hague handed down its decision on preliminary measures in the Avena case brought by Mexico under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, as well as its judgment in the Oil Platforms case (Iran v. United States). By agreement the Lockerbie case (Libya v. United States) before the ICJ was discontinued. Ongoing litigation in our domestic courts concerned fundamental issues arising under two important U.S. statutes, the Alien Tort Statute of 1789 and the 1976 Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. Other cases began to address issues related to the status and rights of detainees in Guantanamo and the United States. Significant decisions were rendered in several cases by NAFTA tribunals. And the United States made several major submissions in government-to-government and interpretative cases pending before the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal. We were also active in bringing and defending claims under the dispute resolution mechanisms of the WTO. . . ."

Community Rating
Your Rating
China, capital punishment, psychotropic, Pan Am 103, military, export controls, commercial law, sanctions, state sponsor, Cyprus, jurisdiction, biological diversity, terrorist, defense articles, NATO, Ukraine, labor law, General Assembly, Sudan, weapons convention, investment, International Maritime Organization, Cuba, labor issues, non-proliferation, Guantanamo, maritime, World Trade Organization, smuggling, intellectual property, WTO, Avena, trafficking, Council of Europe, Soviet Union, self-defense, children, Burma, interdiction, NAFTA, Angola, torture, organized crime, Montreal Protocol, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Mexico, AIDS, ICJ, money laundering, Lebanon, President, IAEA, Legal Adviser, Supreme Court, nuclear, Zimbabwe, environment, Israel, Nicaragua, arms control, drugs, Georgia, expropriation, Burundi, corruption, preservation, intervention, Colombia, marine, drug trade, International Criminal Court, counterterrorism, protocol, peacekeeping, constitution, France, extradition, biological weapons, Department of State, privileges and immunities, Poland, Middle East, border, William J. Clinton, chemical weapons, Marshall Islands, narcotic, crime, piracy, missile, foreign missions, statute, cultural object, international organization, Belarus, war crimes, Russia, Northern Mariana Islands, bilateral investment treaty, FSIA, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, act of state, Moldova, exports, law of the sea, Cambodia, court, national security, Afghanistan, armed conflict, Deputy Secretary, cultural property, Congo, North American Free Trade Organization, Arctic, marine environment, comity, agreements, Holocaust, electronic commerce, Somalia, foreign affairs, prisoner transfer, International Law Commission, West Bank, conservation, Hague, Pakistan, Gaza, Bosnia, arbitration, Libya, jus cogens, alien, HIV, deportation, Al Qaeda, detention, Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Costa Rica, overflight, diplomatic, family, Czech Republic, immunities, law enforcement, Syria, Haiti, diplomatic note, genocide, International law, Secretary of State, testimony, space, Iraq, trafficking in persons, Liberia, pollution, discrimination, Alien Tort Statute, immunity, claims, gender, drug trafficking, Iran, apartheid, labor standards, trade, Vienna, travel restrictions, air transport, carriage of goods, refugee, state courts, former Yugoslavia, OECD, compliance, Organization of American States, Cold War, Al-Qa'ida, International Court of Justice, defense, ILC, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, citizenship, United Kingdom, use of force, criminal, Peru, Thailand, UNIDROIT, mutual legal assistance, Alien Tort Claims Act, Algiers Accords, North Korea, Al-Qaida, human rights, Vienna Convention, consular, immigration, Lockerbie, India, Uruguay, Article 33, data, Japan, customary international law, licensing, Romania, forum non conveniens, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Germany, service of process, proliferation, Nauru, conflict resolution, detainee, Panama, United Nations, Micronesia, asylum, Taliban, state responsibility, Geneva, oil, Hungary, naturalization, marine scientific research, Canada, Yugoslavia, softwood lumber, migrant, intercountry adoption, passport, Philippines, religious freedom, nonproliferation, Rwanda, judicial assistance, family law, fish, convention, Security Council, navigation, weapons of mass destruction, political rights, international child abduction, tribunals, reciprocity, visa, treaty practice, Red Cross, terrorism
Licensing and Attribution
Data Provided By
Department of State
Source Link
Dataset Summary
Department of State
Date Released
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daily, weekly, or monthly as appropriate
High Value Dataset
Suggested by Public
Dataset Information Data Category Type
Raw Data Catalog
Specialized Data Category Designation
Unique ID
Extended Type
Raw Data
Dataset Coverage
Unit of Analysis
International Law
Geographic Coverage
Data Description
Collection Mode
phone/paper, phone/computer, person/paper, person/computer, web
Data Collection Instrument
Data Dictionary
Data Quality
Data Quality Certification
Privacy and Confidentiality
Applicable Information Quality Guideline Designation
Department of State