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Archive for 'Regional'

Records Management Training for FY 2012

NARA’s Agency Services Announces the National Records Management Training Schedule for FY 2012. Our National Records Management Training Program is pleased to offer a full range of comprehensive records management training courses geared towards the Federal community. The fact is that everyone who works for the Federal government is potentially creating records everyday. These records, [...]

NAGARA Austin e-Forum

This is an update on behalf of our colleagues at NAGARA – The National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators. The detailed, on-site program for the 2011 Electronic Records Forum, a unique conference focusing on current issues in Electronic Records Management, which will be held April 7 – 8, in Austin, TX is now [...]

2010 Census Records Scheduling Update

Given public interest in the records accumulated during Census 2010, we are making the 2010 Census Records Schedule and the accompanying NARA appraisal of the records available for review and comment.  An earlier discussion about the issues surrounding the appraisal process and the 2010 Census records appeared on this blog in May. The schedule lists [...]

RACO Chicago 2010 Summary

RACO Chicago 2010 was held August 24 at downtown Chicago’s landmark Palmer House Hilton Hotel, recently and splendidly renovated to combine late-nineteenth-century grandeur with twenty-first century convenience. It was hosted by NARA’s Great Lakes Region. The theme, “Managing Records of an Open Government,” brought 134 records management professionals from the Greater Chicago area, the Great [...]

RACO Chicago Program Announced

Save the Date – August 24, 2010! On that day, our Great Lakes region will be hosting the 7th annual regional Records Administration Conference (RACO) in the Windy City. Following up on the theme from the RACO held back in May, the theme will be “Managing the Records of an Open Government.” The keynote speaker [...]

News from the Field: “Don’t miss our Upcoming E-Forums”

Don’t miss out on our upcoming e-forums and other regional seminars this summer in Philadelphia, Chicago, Denver and Kansas City.

News from the Field: Spotlight on TSA’s RM Field Training Initiative

I learned recently while reading the 2009 RM Self-assessment that not only is RM Training is an essential ingredient to an effective agency records management program, but that it was rooted in the CFR.  The requirement is for agencies to “provide guidance and training to all agency personnel on their records management responsibilities”.  So, what [...]

News from the Field: “Practicing what we preach” Compliant electronic recordkeeping in the NARA Rocky Mountain Region

This week News from the Field welcomes guest blogger, Mark Ferguson, CRM/CBCP who is the Director of the Records Management Division, Rocky Mountain Region in Denver, CO. NARA has been using a Records Management Application (RMA) product in selected offices for several years now, including the Rocky Mountain Region in Denver, Colorado.  The Regional Archives, [...]

News from the Field: Spotlight “E-FORUMS”

Southwest Region packs the house; Pacific Alaska schedules an encore show; Headlines read “E-Forums declared a success”.  Regional Records Managers across NARA have been holding E-Forums around the nation for about eight years. They were started in the early 2000’s primarily in response to NARA’s effort to raise awareness about the management of electronic records. [...]



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