Earthquake “Top 10” Lists & Maps

United States World
Deadly Earthquakes
Earthquake Information
Earthquake Statistics
  • United States
    Number of earthquakes per year, listed by magnitude range, 2000 to present
  • World
    Number of earthquakes per year, listed by magnitude range, 2000 to present
Historical Earthquakes
  • United States List
    Selected earthquakes of general historical interest.
    Since 1700, by date, State, or magnitude, with links to event summary pages
  • World List
    Selected earthquakes of general historical interest since 856AD, by date, Country, or magnitude, with links to event summary pages
  • Centennial Earthquake Catalog
    A catalog of large earthquakes, created with the purpose of giving a realistic picture of the seismicity distribution in the Earth.
  • Earthquake News & Highlights Archive
    2002 - present (updated automatically)
Largest Earthquakes
Significant Earthquakes