Tag: miracle claims

If you or someone you care about has cancer, the last thing you need is the phony promise of a treatment. While it may be hard to believe, there are scammers who hawk un-proven and sometimes even harmful products to cancer patients.


If you're uninsured and looking for health care, be aware that offers for medical discount plans are probably scams.

Many companies take advantage of consumers by advertising these plans as health insurance when, in fact, they are not....

I saw an ad that said, “CURE YOUR ARTHRITIS WITHOUT DRUGS USING THIS ALL-NATURAL, GOVERNMENT-APPROVED REMEDY.” A natural remedy appeals to me, but poison ivy is natural, too. Seems like some products promise more than they can deliver. How can I...

If you or someone you love has cancer, chances are you’re sorting through mountains of information and facing many decisions about various treatment options. And you may be curious about supposed miraculous cancer-fighting products — pills,...

History has it that centuries ago, explorer Ponce DeLeon searched in vain for a Fountain of Youth. Even today, consumers explore store shelves, sail through a tide of TV and radio ads, and navigate the internet for an elixir to help them maintain...