Tag: weight loss

You read the news to get the facts. But what happens when that “newsy” site isn’t news at all?

A company that used fake news sites to push acai berry supplements and other weight loss products has agreed to settle FTC charges. The agency...

Let me guess… one of your resolutions is to lose weight this year. And, sure, there are products that claim they can help you shed the weight. But an FTC case reveals some weight-loss claims are hard to swallow.

Got a minute? Get the skinny...

New products that make big claims about health benefits seem to pop up all the time — like ads for dietary supplements that claim they can help you lose weight, get allergies under control, or prevent the common cold. But how do you know if those...

Advertising claims for weight loss products and services tend to over-promise results. There’s no scientific evidence that these products will help you lose weight — but they definitely will make your wallet thinner.  Changing your diet and...

Want to lose weight? Scammers are exploiting people’s trust in well-known news organizations by setting up fake news sites that use the logos of legitimate news organizations. The sites supposedly report on the effectiveness of acai berry...

Whether it’s a pill, patch, or cream, there’s no shortage of ads promising quick and easy weight loss without diet or exercise. But the claims just aren’t true, and some of these products could even hurt your health. The best way to lose weight...