evidence-based practices

“What Increases Risk and Protection for Delinquent Behaviors Among American Indian Youth? Findings from Three Tribal Communities” (abstract), Youth & Society 41(3):382-418.
"Healing Invisible Wounds: Why Investing in Trauma-Informed Care for Children Makes Sense" (PDF, 198 KB) Justice Policy Institute. Published July 2010.
The transition to adulthood and personal independence can be challenging even for youth with supportive families and a financial safety net. Three recently released studies focus on the specific needs of foster-care youth, homeless teens and high school dropouts.
This guide is for you if you dream of starting your own nonprofit organization to give young people in your community better opportunities, but don't know where to begin. Or perhaps you're already part of a youth-serving charity and you simply need a few pointers.
Though national teen pregnancy and birth rates have fallen over the last 20 years, the United States still has some of the highest rates among industrialized nations.
Mentoring from a caring adult may increase children’s opportunities for social and cultural enrichment, decrease behaviors such as drinking and drug use, and improve their sense of self, relationships with family and friends, and school performance. But a bad mentoring experience—one that ends too quickly or does not have consistent or frequent enough meetings—can have the...
Youth homelessness is strongly associated with living in poverty, not finishing school, not having a job, being in foster care or the juvenile justice system, getting pregnant or having a child, drinking and using drugs, and having poor mental and physical health. All of those factors are important for youth workers to recognize and address, as the authors of Covenant House Institute’s...
The latest research on preventing pregnancy among adolescents examines trends in the teen birth rate, suggests ways to involve the community in measuring those trends and other risky behaviors and looks at effective methods for providing reproductive health services to young people. (Publications discussed here do not necessarily reflect the views of NCFY, the Family and Youth Services Bureau,...
by Joyce A. Walker, Professor and Assistant Center Director, Youth Work Institute, University of Minnesota
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National Clearinghouse on Families & Youth | 5515 Security Lane, Suite 800 | North Bethesda, MD 20852 | (301) 608-8098 | ncfy@acf.hhs.gov