Archival Research Catalog (ARC)

Adjust Your Monitor

For best viewing of the digitized images in ARC, please use the target shown below to adjust your computer monitor.

The Monitor Adjustment Target has been designed by NARA to allow computer users to adjust the contrast and brightness of their computer monitor so that graphic images, such as scans of photographs, textual documents, or maps, look their best. Digital images in the ARC database have been scanned to provide a reasonably accurate rendition of the documents when viewed on an average computer monitor that has been adjusted using the target. More information about how we digitized these images can be found in NARA's Guidelines for Digitizing Archival Materials for Electronic Access.

The target consists of two scales of shades of gray ranging from white to black. The top scale illustrates the full range of tones that a computer monitor can represent when set to 256 or more colors (8 bits or higher). The lower scale consists of three sets of shades, including two dark shades, three middle gray shades and two light shades. The shades in each set on the lower scale should be just distinguishable from the adjacent similar shade(s). Use the contrast and brightness control on your monitor to adjust the appearance of the top scale so that you see a broad range of shades from white to black and that all seven shades on the lower scale are distinguishable.

NARA Monitor Calibration Target
Archival Research Catalog (ARC) >

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272