Health & Fitness

Trusting Your Sources

You read the news to get the facts. But what happens when that “newsy” site isn’t news at all?

Blog Topics: 
Health & Fitness

Gear up for a Great National Consumer Protection Week!

The 15th annual National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW) is March 3 - 9.

New Year’s Resolution: Don’t Buy into Diet Ads

Let me guess… one of your resolutions is to lose weight this year. And, sure, there are products that claim they can help you shed the weight. But an FTC case reveals some weight-loss claims are hard to swallow.

Got a minute? Get the skinny on diet ads and weight-loss products from the FTC’s new audio tip:

Blog Topics: 
Health & Fitness

A Healthy Dose of Skepticism

New products that make big claims about health benefits seem to pop up all the time — like ads for dietary supplements that claim they can help you lose weight, get allergies under control, or prevent the common cold. But how do you know if those claims are true? 

Well, sometimes they’re not.

Blog Topics: 
Health & Fitness

Welcome to the FTC’s Home for Consumer Information

Looking for consumer resources from the FTC? They’re at, a new URL for information from the nation’s consumer protection agency.

A Spirited Closing Letter

Bulk up while partying down.  At least, that’s the message FTC staff was concerned consumers might take from ads for Devotion Vodka.  According to the staff, the beverage was advertised to contain a significant amount of protein and to help build muscle mass — with the additional benefit of not causing hangovers.

Blog Topics: 
Health & Fitness