Archival Research Catalog (ARC)

ARC Gallery: Civil War

Highlighted Records and ImagesMatthew Brady Photographs
Click on any image to find ARC search results related to that topic.  See more ARC Search Hints.
African Americans in the Civil War (ARC ID 300389) Bull Run (ARC ID 594732) Civil War Atlas Manuscript Maps (ARC ID 594765) Civil War Blockade (ARC ID 528930) Civil Works Map File (ARC ID 305589)
The Confederacy (ARC ID 305578) Confiscation Case Files, 1863-1865 (ARC ID 27909) Records of Death and Interment at Camp Nelson, KY, 1864-1865 (ARC ID 279588) Emancipation Proclamantion Freedmen's Bureau
Alexander Gardner, Photographic Sketch Book of the Civil War (ARC ID 533310) ARC Gallery: Civil War Spy Rose O'Neal Greenhow Manuscript and Annotated Maps 1790-1920 (ARC ID 305454) Plans of Military Forts, 1790 - 1941 (ARC ID 305752) Post and Reservation Maps (ARC ID 305826)
Prisons and Prisoners (ARC ID 530333) The Union (ARC ID 1257664) Herbert Eugene Valentine's Civil War Sketches (ARC ID 533198) Selected documents from the War Department and Office of the Secretary of War (ARC ID 595100) War Department Map Collection (ARC ID 305809)

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