Updated 12/04/2012 12:03 PM   |   ID# 159

Length of time to receive approval or denial decision on disability claim

I applied for disability benefits three months ago and still haven't received an answer. How long does it take to get a decision?

The length of time it takes to receive a decision on your disability claim is from three to five months.  It can vary depending on several factors, but primarily on:

  • The nature of your disability;
  • How quickly we obtain medical evidence from your doctor or other medical source;
  • Whether it is necessary to send you for a medical examination in order to obtain evidence to support your claim; and
  • If your claim is randomly selected for quality assurance review of the decision.

If you have further questions, you may call our toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213 or TTY 1-800-325-0778.  Our representatives will be happy to assist you.

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