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Designated School Official (DSO) Toolkit

The DSO Toolkit provides information and resources to assist foreign students in e-Filing with USCIS ELIS.

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DSO Support Materials: USCIS guidance documents that can help DSOs when serving students and encouraging user adoption.

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DSO Efficient Practices: Lessons learned from other DSOs who have used USCIS ELIS.

Listed below are some efficient practices provided by DSOs to assists students e-filing with USCIS ELIS. To submit your own efficient practices for using USCIS ELIS, click the button above or email USCIS at

Efficient Practices 
  • Collect and scan all supporting documents before starting the application process
  • Save a PDF copy of the completed application before submitting the case to USCIS ELIS
  • Email the PDF copy of the completed application to the DSO to review before submitting the application

 Filing Assistance:


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Last updated:01/25/2013