Autobiography Box Kit

SKU N-03-3321

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The memoir is fast gaining on the novel as the most popular literary form for readers and writers today. Gone are the days when people used to talk over the back fence, swapping stories and the day's gossip. Enter the next best thing: the autobiography, back porch conversation in book form. Contemporary and fresh, The Autobiography Box presents innovative writing suggestions in a visually dynamic, totally inviting, hands-on portable kit. Sixty appealing cards filled with quotes, questions, directions, and exercises provide the practice, while an engaging book with journal spaces for fill-in and excerpts from such literary greats as Vladimir Nabokov, Marcel Proust, Muriel Spark, and Tobias Wolff offer the inspiration. Perfect for both beginning and seasoned writers, The Autobiography Box is all any memoirist needs to get started-that and maybe a comfy porch swing and a tall glass of lemonade.

softcover: 160 pages
ISBN-10: 0811826732
    Your Price $19.95