A Warning About Tax-Related Identity Theft

Did you know that an identity thief could use your Social Security number to get a job, or the tax refund that should be yours?

Tax season is in full swing. Identity thieves can use a stolen Social Security number to apply for a job or file for a tax refund. If you get a notice from the IRS indicating a problem, contact the IRS immediately for help completing your tax return, getting any refund that you’re owed, and protecting your account from identity theft in the future.

For more details, read Tax-Related Identity Theft.


Yes I am an identity theft and fraud victim and someone has use my name middle and surname and duplicated my personal information and use me as there sponsorship from immigration to adoption and to collect benefits as an authorized representative of the family financial agent. I have report this to the law enforcement and to FTC but its seems I have been ignored or unresponsive to my issued.

how did you fix it?

I am struggling to make sense of tangled web of carefully crafted identity theft design any one can imagine. It will take me some time to unravel it. I will eventually get to the bottom of it. I will be in a good position to reply appropriately
to your alert

My main concern is what the government can do to enforce
adequate restitution to victims of identity
theft. How quickly and effectively can this be done. I am holding my breath in anticipation of your response.

My billfold was stolen a couple of years ago. A police report was done. I even changed banks but as
soon as I used my debit card for one thing because I
do not use credit cards anymore, I was charged with
a small amount of money. Since it was small, the bank
could take it off and I did not need to do a complaint. I am waiting for a new debit card. Now I am scared to even use it at all because they obtained my SSN from my medicare card. It will happen anytime I use my debit card. Nothing is safe.


The FTC recently revised its information for victims of identity theft. Here is a step-by-step guide to help: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/idtheft/idt04.pdf. OnGuardOnline.gov also has information about the basic steps you should take: http://onguardonline.gov/articles/0005-identity-theft.

I do know about scams ect...

What is the use of reporting in detail identity thieves if victims are ignored. The devastating effect on lives of victims and their families is indescribable. The law enforcement agencies should prosecute within the letter of the law all these predators bar none.

If you know that anybody theft my social security then what you do
Why not take action against him.

Let me just make a comment on Identity Theft,the IRS,and any Law Enforcement....OMG REALLY,!Basically it's Electronic Bank robbery,Electronic Home Burglery,
Pickpocketing,and despite the fact that you might actually know who's doing it, Law Enforcement is so understaffed,so they say,and I suspect the Law hasn't really been educated,and electronically savvy enough,to provide any true protection,or go after and prosecute these "New Age" criminals.Feels like you get violated over again and again.If by chance you might have any Money left,you can hire your own Private investigator and have them bring them to Justice:)

I have thieft my identity they use all my information all my sertificate for job all licenses national provider sertificate and also got my money from resources which ihave for me only but they use this mine and license and permit ion to work and reject me they biking insted me not include money for me which they goto am low level of poverty they got all unfortunately they abuse me physically financialandinternet and email and harsh abuse and now start to put drugs intervention into me I ask stop" but they continuing

The FTC recently revised its information for victims of identity theft. Here is a step-by-step guide to help: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/idtheft/idt04.pdf. OnGuardOnline.gov also has information about the basic steps you should take: http://onguardonline.gov/articles/0005-identity-theft.

Two false 2011 tax returns were sent to IRS using my SS number. Does anyone here use services of an attorney? I wonder if that would help. May the ID thieves get caught pronto. This is a nightmare.

I tried an attorney. No help at all. They directed me to just submit information to the IRS that they requested and wait! 2 years in a row someone used my s.s # and maiden name and no other info matched me or my w2's, how can they pay a person my money with all of those red flags, HELLO, IRS should pay attention to past, present info compare to work submitted info and stop the fraud before it goes to far. I believe where taxes are concerned if the irs opened there eyes then awful thief's wouldn't be getting away with tax fraud at all! This is the worst and most confusing ridiculous thing I have ever had to deal with. Any suggestions to speed up this awful problem?

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i can't sign in to my yahoo acount

sir 5 hore ago my account password not propyly work pls sir iam vary poor and my carant bissans add with yahoo id so pls solft our problam soon kindly

I whntd to ask wht if i dnt have social security nmber bt i am in nd of jop.

I found your website through Google and I have bookmarked it. Edu and Gov sites truly has the content a person need for case studies and research. Thank you for this great content.

Many thanks for the education about guarding against scams, identity thefts spams and different ways of securing the computer( treating it like cash) Vigilance and prevention is better than cure.

A public untility requires the use of one's social security number as a password for an account on their site. This doesn't sound like a safe practice to me. Is there an internet security professional who could comment on this?

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