Anxiety Anxiety

Individuals living with anxiety exist in a world of ''what if?'' It's a world of hypervigilance, and worst case scenarios. During deployment, anxiety is most often a healthy response to a dangerous world. After deployment, anxiety can cause significant disruption in life. This program has been developed to help make the adjustment to a post deployment world that doesn't pose a constant threat. Take an assessment to get feedback on how you are doing or jump into the workshops to learn about how anxiety is affecting your life and how to manage it. Check out the videos of others who are dealing with anxiety, and explore the e-library for in-depth information.


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Anxiety comes in many forms. Some people experience anxiety only in specific situations, like when they're asked to speak in public or when they need to fly on an airplane. Others worry a lot, and find themselves feeling anxious on and off throughout the day – and some suffer panic attacks, sudden feelings of anxiety that come on unpredictably. Anxiety is the most common behavioral health problem in the United States, affecting 40 million adults (18.1% of the population aged 18 and older).

The Anxiety Assessment, and each of the related assessments below, takes about five minutes to complete; recommendations follow based on your results.

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