Health and Aging

A-Z Health Topics Index

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  • Caregiver Guide: Tips for Caregivers of People with Alzheimer's Disease
    For more information and caregiving tips, see the booklet Caring for a Person with Alzheimer's Disease: Your Easy-to-Use Guide from the National Institute on Aging. You can also find a topic-by-topic list of brief tip sheets for caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease.
  • Caring for a Person with Alzheimer's Disease
    Your Easy-to-Use Guide from the National Institute on Aging This comprehensive, 104-page handbook offers easy-to-understand information and advice for at-home caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s disease. It addresses all aspects of care, from bathing and eating to visiting the doctor and getting respite care.
  • Elder Abuse
    Gerald, 73, had a stroke. Unable to care for himself, he moved in with his son’s family. His son tried to help, but it was Frances, his daughter-in-law, who usually cooked special meals and helped him bathe and dress. Frances was already busy staying ahead of two teenage boys and teaching third grade. At first everyone was glad to have Gerald living with the family. But after a few months, Frances was yelling at him often and sometimes didn’t help him get dressed until late afternoon. Gerald was upset, but he didn’t know what to do.
  • Home Safety for People with Alzheimer's Disease
    This 40-page booklet for caregivers gives room by-room suggestions for creating a safer space for people with Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Hospitalization Happens: A Guide to Hospital Visits for Individuals with Memory Loss
    A trip to the hospital with a person who has memory loss or dementia can be stressful for both of you. This brochure can relieve some of that stress by helping you prepare for both unexpected and planned hospital visits. Here, you will find: steps you can take now to make hospital visits less traumatic; tips on making your relative or care partner more comfortable once you arrive at the hospital; and suggestions on how to work with hospital staff and doctors.
  • So Far Away: Twenty Questions and Answers About Long-Distance Caregiving
    Using a question-and-answer format, this beautifully illustrated, 44-page booklet offers information about caregiving from afar. It explores topics such as complex family relationships, legal issues, housing options, and advance directives.
  • What Happens Next?
    Introduction As Americans live longer, more of us will develop dementia in our older years. New knowledge and techniques are helping doctors detect signs of the disease earlier than ever before. An earlier diagnosis gives people with the disease and their families more time to get the right treatment and to plan for the future.