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Current Forms and Publications

Find current forms or publications

About the Forms and Publications (PDF) List

The forms and publications available from this list are the most current versions available. All products have a revision date, showing the year or month and year the product was revised. Many products are revised once each year, and display a year (e.g. 2011) in the revision date column. Some products are only changed when legislation or procedure changes, and display a month/year date. For example, a product revised in March 2009 will appear as 0309 on this list, but is the most recent version.

Some products have separate instructions, and some have included instructions.

Notices included on this list are general notices, not taxpayer correspondence. Use the main site search (in the upper right corner of most pages) to search for information about correspondence.

The list can be sorted by clicking on a column header, and you can choose how many products display on each page, from 25 to 200.


Finding Forms and Instructions

The "Find" box can help you filter the list to find a specific product. The default setting is to find by product number. The find filter is not case sensitive.

If you know the product number (e.g.1040) enter it into the find box, and click the find button. The find filter will display only the products in the list that contain that number. If you enter "1040" your results will display all the various 1040 forms, narrowing the list from more than 2000 products to about 50. The smaller list is sorted alphabetically by product number. Form 1040 is first, and Form 1040-X is last, with 1040-A, 1040 (Schedule H) and all the other 1040 forms in between.

If you want to see only instructions, find "inst." If you want to see only forms, find "form." The "find" feature only filters results; it is not a true search. If you enter "pub 1" you will get no results - even though Publication 1 is on the list - because it doesn't match the format exactly. We recommend searching by number.

You can also filter by title or revision date. If you don't know the product number, but you know a word in the title, such as individual, household, or corporation, enter the word in the "find" box, select "title" from the drop down, and click find. You have to enter text from the actual title to get valid results. "Children and "child" return different results, and "kids" won't return any results. 

If you are looking for information rather than a specific product, it may be helpful to use the main site search (in the upper right corner of most pages) to search.

Find current forms or publications

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 28-Aug-2012