Getting Started:

  • Navigation: Click on tabs at the top of the page to select desired options. To navigate to other options, use the tabs at the top of the page or click the "Next >>" or "<< Previous" buttons at the bottom of the screen.
  • Results: When you are finished defining your analysis, click on the results tab to generate tables or charts.
  • Help: Help is available for each tab by clicking the help button located at the top of each page. Clicking the help button will open detailed help in a new window.
  • Get Started: Click the "Begin" button below to begin making charts and tables.

  • View an: example table,   example chart.
  • More on the data and definitions can be found in the technical appendix.

The Urban Institute Children of Immigrants Data Tool is an interactive tool designed to generate charts and tables with indicators on children, age 0 to 17, for the United States and for the 50 states and the District of Columbia using data from the American Community Survey. The Children of Immigrants Data Tool presents data on a number of population groups of children defined by the children nativity and citizenship and the nativity, citizenship, and origin of their parents, such as children with immigrant parents, children with noncitizen parents, and children with Mexican parents. The available data include
  • child characteristics (e.g., child's school enrollment),
  • parent characteristics (e.g., English proficiency of parents), and
  • family characteristics (e.g., family poverty)
  • Your customized chart can present either the number of children or the share (percentage) of children with a given characteristic.

    Funding for the Children of Immigrants Data Tool is provided by the Urban Institute's Low-Income Working Families Project [link]
    If you experience any problems or have comments or suggestions, please e-mail