Family Liaison Office (FLO)

Date: 11/21/2008 Description: web FLO Logo State Dept PhotoFLO serves U.S. government direct-hire employees, their family members, and Members of Household (MOH) who are serving, have served, or will be serving at our Missions overseas.  FLO's mission is to improve the quality of life of all demographics we serve by identifying issues and advocating for programs and solutions, providing a variety of client services, and extending services to overseas communities through the management of the worldwide Community Liaison Office (CLO) program. 

Our major areas of interest include:

FLO offers a comprehensive range of resources and services.  We do this in large part through our Communications and Outreach program.  As part of our outreach effort, FLO staff travels to different geographic regions and holds town hall and other meetings with post management, employees, and family members in addition to providing personal, electronic, and print resources. 

Some of FLO's Key Partners Include:

*Intranet access only

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our web site and services.  Looking for something in particular?  Start with one of the links from our major areas of interest above or the A to Z guide.  Contact us if you need additional help.   

NOTE: This material is specific to direct-hire U.S. government employees and their families serving overseas. Our materials are in the public domain. We ask that you credit our office if you use them.


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