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2011 Sustainability Report — read about our latest green accomplishments

2011 Annual Sustainability Report

Save money and help the environment. Learn how

Save money and the environment

The USPS can help you do both.

Eco-friendly products and services. With the right resources, it's easy to be green.

Eco-friendly products and services

It’s easy to be green.

Check out how we're making planet-friendly choices every day. Picture of USPS green roof in New York City.

Thinking and acting green

Making planet-friendly choices

USPS releases sustainability and energy score card

USPS releasse sustainability and energy score card

Making the grade on the OMB Scorecard

Leaving a green footprint

We’ve been planet friendly for a long time. Alternative fuel-capable vehicles — we’ve got ’em by the thousands. Eco-friendly products, have those too. Recycling. Done it for years.

And other delivery companies hand off their packages to us to deliver to your door — saving fuel and energy.


Strategic Focus

USPS is the first federal agency to publicly report greenhouse gas emissions and get third party verification.

electric vehicles, then and now

Charged up and ready to deliver

Electric vehicles are hot now, but USPS has been using them for over 100 years.

In the news

Green Teams Help U.S. Postal Service Save Millions
Learn more.

More news

Green roof in NYC

USPS green roof largest in NYC

The Morgan processing center in downtown Manhattan has the largest green roof in New York City.

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