Pic of the Week: Just Outside Adams

I had a different Pic of the Week post all written up the other day, but I wasn’t  really enamored with it.  When I stepped outside the Adams Building to go home, the sun was out after a few days of overcast skies, the breeze was gentle, and the temperature was perfect.  And then I saw them:  the tulips that had been planted at the entrance to the building.  I thought a picture of them would make a much more satisfying Pic of the Week.


  1. Priwcilla
    April 8, 2011 at 8:58 pm

    Will you send a picture of Adams?

  2. Ellen Terrell
    April 13, 2011 at 2:57 pm

    I wasn’t sure if you were looking for a picture of Adams the man or Adams the building. Our very first post does both!

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