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Lab's Smart Grid Visualization Research Featured in IEEE Newsletter [June, 2012]
An article titled "Virtualization of the Evolving Power Grid" and authored by Olufemi Omitaomu, Alex Sorokine and Varun Chandola in the Computational Sciences and Engineering Division has been published in the IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter.

New ORNL Tool Developed to Assess Global Freshwater Stress [March 23, 2012]
New method to make better use of vast amounts of data related to global geography, population and climate may help determine the relative importance of population increases vs. climate change.

Off the Map [March 2012]
After the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami devastated the coast along Sendai, Japan, a special team at the software company Esri quickly jumped into action.

New ORNL Technology to help KUB Customers Understand Their Bill
January 27, 2012, WATE.COM – If you think there's a problem with your utility charges or how your meter's being read, all you may be able to do is call your utility company.

Grid Visualization Efforts Helped Heal After Hurricane
September 26, 2011 – By many counts, Irene was the worst hurricane the U.S. East Coast has had to contend with since 2003. For those inland areas hit hardest by flooding, restoration will likely continue for years.

Joplin, Missouri Tornado: Do People Fail to Respond to Tornado Warnings?
Jenniffer Santos-Hernandez at Oak Ridge National Laboratory helped conduct a phone survey of more than 600 people in Oklahoma, Kansas, Minnesota, Illinois, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Alabama.