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An official website of the United States Government.

Insurance FAQs


  • Multi-state Plans are health insurance plans that are available in states through health insurance exchange in 2014. There are to be at least two in every state and at least one of these health plans must be a non-profit organization.
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  • An enrollee in a multi-state plan would be eligible for the income-based premium subsidy and cost-sharing subsidy. However, the subsidies do not to reflect the costs of any state benefit mandate above the essential benefit package; in that case the state must pay the corresponding amount to either the individual or the multi-state plan.
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  • The Multi-State Plans will begin in 2014 and will be a one stop shop for individuals and small business owners to compare prices on health plans, buy coverage and obtain federal subsidies.
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  • While the multi-state plan provision is intended to create nationwide coverage, the insurers are allowed to phase in the coverage, with coverage in 60% of the states in year one, 70% in year two, 85% in year three, and 100% in year four and each subsequent year.
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