Library of Congress

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We are the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts in our collections.

Washington, DC ·

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  1. Library In The News: January Edition: The Library of Congress exhibition “The Civil War in America” and Poet Lau...

  2. National Book Festival: Save the Date, Take the Survey: There’s news on two fronts for you book-lovers out there...

  3. The Feminine Mystique at 50: (The following is a guest post by Audrey Fischer, editor of the Library of Congress...

  4. Library of Congress National Book Festival Slated for Sept. 21-22: The 13th annual Library of Congress National ...

  5. I witnessed the original draft of the Emancipation Proclamation handwritten by Lincoln today Thanks for sharing!

  6. Join us for presidential mask making and other activities in the Young Readers Center on the Ground Floor at Noon.

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