• Elkhorn Tavern, Federal Provost Marshal Headquarters and Field Hospital Used by Both Armies

    Pea Ridge

    National Military Park Arkansas

Frequently Asked Questions

How big is Pea Ridge NMP?

Pea Ridge National Military Park is 4,300 acres.

What is the annual attendance?

In the fiscal year 2010, the attendance was 93,616.

Why is it called Pea Ridge?

This area gets its name from the wild peas that grow in the area. When the first white settlers came to the area, the wild peas were very abundant and that is why the area is called Pea Ridge.

How many men were killed at the Battle of Pea Ridge?

A little over 400 men were killed outright during this two day battle. Many more died of their wounds during the following days, weeks and months. Total dead was around 2,000.

Does the park rent horses to ride on the trail?

Visitors wishing to ride horses in the park must provide their own horses. There are not any known horses for rent in the area.

Did You Know?

General Earl Van Dorn, of the Confederate army

When Confederate General Van Dorn heard news that Curtis pushed Price out of Missouri, he set out to take personal charge of an attack on Curtis, along with Price and McCulloch. He arrived at Price’s headquarters in an ambulance, braving a severe illness resulting from falling into an icy stream.