NCFY Recommends: Help Young Men Fight Violence


The Family Violence Prevention Fund and Men Can Stop Rape, an international organization that works to prevent relationship violence and rape, are working to make boys and young men part of the solution in the effort to stop sexual violence and abuse. Here are some tools and programs they offer.

For parents, teachers and other adults who play a role in boys' lives: 

8 Ways You Can Coach Boys into Men, from the Family Violence Prevention Fund, lists easy ways to teach boys to cope with anger, avoid violence and treat others with respect. 

For coaches:

Coaching Boys Into Men is FVPF's campaign to teach young athletes how to build respectful, nonviolent relationships.

For teen boys and young men:

"My Strength is Not for Hurting" posters and postcards can be ordered from Men Can Stop Rape.

For youth workers:

Men Can Stop Rape trainings enable youth-serving professionals and others to work with boys and young men to prevent relationship violence and rape.

National Clearinghouse on Families & Youth | 5515 Security Lane, Suite 800 | North Bethesda, MD 20852 | (301) 608-8098 |