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A Brief Record display is the default display for individual records and provides the most basic bibliographic information about materials in the Library of Congress Online Catalog.

Brief Record Display

All record displays include the call number by which materials must be requested. Some information displays as a hypertext link. Selecting a link launches a search for related records. Three other displays may be consulted for more detailed information: Subjects/Content, Full Record, and MARC Tags.

Search, Navigation and Output - Bibliographic Information
Library Holdings, Location and Status

Search, Navigation and Output:

Several lines of information relating to the search are displayed below the button bar, and above and below the Brief Record on the screen:

  • Database Name:
    Most catalog records display the name “Library of Congress Online Catalog.” Other databases can be searched, as they become available, by selecting the [ Other Databases ] button from the top button bar. Such databases may include the Handbook of Latin American Studies.

  • You Searched:
    A description of the search is displayed after this label (e.g., Subject = cats, Command Keyword = (wood? OR forest) AND "resource manage?"). The text before the = is the name of the search method used, and the text after the = is the actual search performed.

  • Search Results:
    A legend identifies the currently displayed catalog record number within the total search set (e.g., Displaying 2 of 35, Displaying 1 of 10,000).

    • A search in the Online Catalog never results in more than 10,000 catalog records, even when more than 10,000 records match the search. If the results set is truncated at 10,000, a warning message appears in the Titles List and Headings List displays.
    • Subject, Name and Call Number searches are set to "browse" the entire Online Catalog before and after the search term entered. Since this method does not create a distinct record set, the legend on a single record display is Displaying 1 of 1.

  • Navigation Icons:
    If a search retrieves multiple catalog records, it is possible to page forward and back, one record at a time, using the Previous and Next buttons.

  • Full Title:
    Below the four display selection tabs, the title of the work displays as it appears on the title page (or its equivalent).

  • Print, Save and Email:
    Below the display of the catalog record information, a table displays with options for output. For more information consult the help screen for Print, Save and Email.

Bibliographic Information:

The following information will display if present in the catalog record:

  • Relevance:
    A record retrieved by the Keyword search method displays a relevance indicator before the bibliographic information.

  • LC Control Number:
    A unique record identification number assigned by the Library of Congress. Although works may be searched and identified by this number, they may not be requested by this number. See CALL NUMBER below.

  • Type of Material:
    The kind of material represented by the catalog record and, in some cases, the level at which it is being described, e.g., Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.), Printed Music (Part or Selection), Archival Manuscript/Mixed Material (Collection).

  • Brief Description:
    May provide any of the following information: name (main author, creator, etc.), title, edition information, place of publication/creation, publisher/distributor/creator, date of publication/creation, and physical description.

  • Projected Pub. Date:
    The projected date of publication for works that have not yet been published.

  • Access Advisory:
    Information pertaining to restrictions on access to the material described in the catalog record, sometimes stating the terms under which the material is served, such as the need for special permissions or advance appointments.

  • ISSN:
    The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for the work.

  • ISBN:
    The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for the work.

  • Link(s):
    Hypertext linked information displays if the catalog record contains URLs or URNs leading to electronic versions of the material or related electronic resources, such as a finding aid or a table of contents. Selecting the hypertext link will generally take users out of the Online Catalog. Return to the Online Catalog by selecting the browser's [ Back ] button.

Library Holdings, Location and Status Information:

    Includes the call number used to retrieve the material, usually followed by information identifying a specific copy. Selecting the call number, shown as a hypertext link, launches a search for records beginning with the same call number designation--usually those with the same subject classification numbers. Note: Records in the Online Catalog generally indicate that the Library holds one copy of a work, even though additional copies may actually be available in the Library's collections. Library staff will begin entering information about additional copies in the near future.

  • Request in:
    Identifies the reading room or book service area (along with a building name and room number) where the material must be requested.

  • Status:
    Displays circulation information for the material (charged, not charged, etc.). Initially, some circulation information may not be complete, since many materials in the Library (including many special collections materials) are not handled by the circulation system at this time.

  • Special Information about Serials Holdings:
    Additional holdings categories may display, such as, Shelving Title:, Library Holds:, Latest Receipts:, Older Receipts:, etc. Although much of this information is not currently available, the Library will be incorporating more detailed information about serials holdings, indicating which issues are available and where they should be requested.

Use the browser's [Back] button to resume searching.

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June 25, 2008