USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack's message for the It Gets Better Project


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Uploaded by on Nov 24, 2010

Agriculture Secretary and former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack says bullying is not okay and reminds LGBT kids who have been mistreated that it gets better.


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  • @killingclipart. My dad's side of the family came from Stuttgart. I can only imagine the pain you went through growning up in that town. Thanks for hanging in there and following your heart. You have a straight ally that is glad you are still around :o)


  • I grew up in Stuttgart AR and was a farm boy. I made the decision to come out to my friends when I was 15 years old. It was difficult at first for my family and some of my friends but it certainly has gotten better. I am 32 now and share my time with a terrific man whom I love very much. My family and the owners of the design firm I work for support me in all that I do. I hope everyone can weather the storms of ignorance in youth to see the beautiful blooms of life that storm nourishes.

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  • In reference to your question on how bullying relates to agricultural policy, in my opinion it is in the agency's best interest to promote equality. It not only helps the people, but it also helps the the agency with good PR. In rural America where most of the USDA's work is done, bullying is often times worse than in the cities. So it is a very relevant issue that should be discussed.

  • Oh please. Man up!

  • Our GLBT Special Emphasis Program includes promoting policies of equality and inclusion for USDA'S GLBT clients too!

  • Thank you for your outstanding message. I co-chair the new GLBT Special Emphasis Program for the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in California and am working to make sure we have policies of equality and inclusion for our GLBT employees and to let the GLBT community know USDA is their employer of choice!

  • Thank you Mr. Secretary for your touching remarks and for being a part of this important movement.

  • Thank you Secretary Vilsack for showing leadership and support on this important issue for USDA employees and the people we serve.

  • I disagree with bulling, but what does this have anything to do with US agricultural policy?

  • Yes, I applaud your up-front comments about the impact of bulling and agree that it should be confronted and made to cease. It reminds me of other forms of bulling in the workplace such as racism against people of color. Many employees of diverse communities in USDA continue to be underestimated, undervalued, and marginalized.

  • Thank you Secretary Vilsack, for your kind message. BTW, to my knowledge social networking sites such as You Tube are blocked on USDA computers as some kind of security threat. Could you please do something about this? Obviously, such sites are important and relevant to USDA workers.

  • Well said. I am lucky that I had supportive, open-minded parents. Would have been nice though, to see messages like this when I was growing up.  --SWL (Agriculture Research Employee of 15 years.)

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