Teaching a Workshop on Personal Finance?
Teaching a Workshop on Personal Finance?

We have resources for you.

Financial Workshop Kits

Invest Today. Success Tomorrow.
Invest Today. Success Tomorrow.

It all adds up to a great start.

Check out the new tools available

Welcome to NEFE

We are committed to forward-thinking financial education.

The National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) is the leading private nonprofit 501(c)(3) national foundation dedicated to inspiring empowered financial decision making for individuals and families through every stage of life.

With more than a quarter-century of dedication to the public good, NEFE continues its legacy of service with commitment to providing financial education and practical information to people at all financial levels, including:

·         Youth and adult financial education resources

·         Training tools from the classroom to the workplace

·         Research and consumer surveys


Latest News

Latest News

Identity Theft is No Laughing Matter

posted 2.11.13

The box-office hit "Identity Thief" offers a humorous portrayal of an identity theft victim. But when identity theft occurs in real life, it costs American families billions of dollars and is the No. 1 consumer complaint in the U.S.

Latest Research

Ongoing Research Projects

Ongoing Research Projects


NEFE provides research funding for exploratory projects on personal finance and financial behaviors. We currently have several projects in progress, including research on young adults, debt, and the diminished capacity of aging Americans. Please check this page for information and updates for ongoing projects.
