July 27-29, 2010



This workshop was designed to get input from the canvassees and other interested parties in the proposed content for a revision to the ANSI/NIST-ITL standard. Since the 2007 and 2008 versions of the standard were published, a modification to a table to reflect codes for mobile devices was adopted in the ANSI/NIST-ITL 1a-2009 amendment.

The Standards Coordinator for ANSI/NIST-ITL had received several comments for additions, modifications and corrections to the existing versions of the standard in the period late 2008-early 2010. Some of these involved the creation of new record types and new fields. In order to present these suggestions and gauge the desirability of including such revisions in a final draft (to be voted up or down by the canvassees), he decided to convene a workshop. In April 2010, he posted a first draft of the revised standard to get feedback on the content and style of a proposed new version of the standard. Based upon feedback from several sources, and additional input for more changes, he generated a second draft version of the proposed update to the standard that was made available in June 2010, along with associated documents:

NCIC Codes

DNA PCR Kit Name

Best Practices for Facial Image Capture

Glossary/Crosswalk for Field Specifications

The Standards Coordinator also collated and made available online comments and questions that he received concerning the principal issues related to the standard. Based on the comments, questions and revision content, a set of 42 'issues' evolved that were presented to the attendees of the workshop in order to solicit their views.

The Standards Coordinator advertised the workshop at several meetings and conventions over the year period prior to its occurrence. It was also advertised on the ANSI/NIST-ITL webpage and in publications of ANSI. In addition, he sent emails to registered canvassees from the previous iterations of ANSI/NIST-ITL standard development.

Workshop Summary:

On the first day, following a welcome by the Standards Coordinator (Brad Wing), Mike Hogan presented the NIST/ITL Procedures for the Development of American National Standards (ANSI) Using the Canvass Method. A copy of this presentation was included in the folders provided each participant in the workshop.

This was followed by Use Case presentations:

· FBI (Scott Swann)

· INTERPOL (Mark Branchflower)

· Argentina (Pedro Janices)

· Florida (Charlie Schaeffer)

Following the Use Case presentations, volunteers presented the reasons underpinning many of the suggested revisions to the standard. This part of the workshop was developed solely to presentations, with questions and answers being reserved for the following days. The presentations were:

· New DNA Record Type (Scott Carey)

· Extended Feature Set (Austin Hicklin)

· New Plantar Record Type (Austin Hicklin)

· Forensic Data for Face and Iris Records (Richard vorder Bruegge)

· Image Hashing and Iris Record Updates (Patrick Grother)

· Separation of Record Type 10 (Facial / SMT) into separate records (Scott Swann)

· New Information Assurance Record Type (Eric Albertine)

· Geographic Reference Fields (Bonny Scheier)

· Mobile ID / SAP designation (Mike McCabe)

· Deprecation of Record Types 3, 5 and 6 (Mike McCabe)

· Deprecation of the Original Minutia Format in Record Type 9 (Mike McCabe)

· Deprecation 2 fields in Record Type 10 (Mike McCabe) (No presentation slides available)

· Domain Name (Brian Finegold)

· TOT field extension (Brian Finegold)

· New Original Reference Image Record Type (John Mayer-Splain)

· Short-Tag Encoding (Shahram Orandi)

Other presentations on Days 2 and three were:

· NIEM domain (Anthony Hoang)

· Conformance to the ANSI/NIST-ITL Standard (Rob Mungovan)

· ISO SC37 WG3 Roadmap / ISO designation of ANSI/NIST-ITL standard (Mike Hogan)

· Proposed wording for 14.011 (Austin Hicklin & Rob Mungovan)

Unfortunately, time did not allow for one scheduled presentation on the third day:

· Compression Studies at NIST (Shahram Orandi)

The principal part of the workshop was devoted to discussion of the various proposals concerning the standard, and taking polls of the views of the workshop participants on the issues. In addition to the 42 issues listed prior to the workshop, several new issues arose and were voted upon. The summary is not in the order that they occurred during the meeting, but rather in the order of issues presented on the handout contained in the participants' folders. This summary does not capture all of the points raised during the workshop.

Several issues resulted in the formation of working groups. They are to begin on August 15, 2010 and submit their results to the Standards Coordinator on November 15. The working groups are open to all interested parties. During the workshop, a chairperson volunteered to head each one, and a description of the working group's purposed was described. Initial volunteers were solicited for each working group. It is possible that the note takers did not capture all persons' names. The list therefore is preliminary. Please notify the working group chair if you would like to participate in a group. Note: The Standards Coordinator will participate in all working groups.

The working groups and their chairs are listed below:

DNA Working Group: Scott Carey

Iris Record Updates Working Group: Patrick Grother


Information Assurance Record Working Group: Eric Albertine

Geographic Reference Field Working Group: Bonny Scheier

TOT Field Working Group: Brian Finegold

Original Reference Image Record Working Group: John Mayer-Splain

Face Best Practice Document Working Group: Scott Swann

Voice Record Working Group: Bonny Scheier

NIEM Biometrics Domain Working Group: Anthony Hoang

Composite fingerprint images Working Group: Scott Swann

Resolution Description & References Working Group: John Mayer-Splain

Traditional Encoding Rules Working Group: John Mayer-Splain

NIEM-Conformant XML Encoding Rules Working Group: Gerry Coleman

Conformance Working Group: Mike Hogan

Definition and Use of Fields 9.800-899 Working Group: Mike McCabe

Extension of Record Type 10 images Working Group: Timo Ruhland

The Standards Coordinator will prepare a new draft version of the updated standard, based upon the output of the working groups, with a target release date in early January. He will examine possible dates for a second workshop in late January or early February in order for participants to express views concerning the latest version of the standard. Following that workshop, a final version of the draft standard will be prepared and submitted for vote by the canvassees.

Coincidentally, an audit of ANSI/NIST-ITL by ANSI is scheduled for AUGUST 2011. Hopefully, the standard will be adopted by then so that it can be included in this audit cycle.

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