Human Assisted Speaker Recognition Evaluation


The goal of the NIST Human Assisted Speaker Recognition (HASR) Evaluations is to begin to address the following question: How can human experts effectively utilize automatic speaker recognition technology? The HASR task is: Given two different speech segments determine whether they are both spoken by the same speaker.


The NIST series of Speaker Recognition Evaluations (SRE's) have, since 1996, evaluated automatic systems for speaker recognition. The 2010 evaluation (SRE10) also included a test of Human Assisted Speaker Recognition (HASR), in which systems based, in whole or in part, on human expertise were evaluated. Participants were invited to complete the trials in one of two small subsets of the full set of trials included in the core test of the main automatic system evaluation. An abridged version of a HASR presentation, including results, given at the 2010 Odyssey conference in Brno is available here . Plans for future NIST HASR research and evaluations are ongoing.

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NIST maintains a general mailing list for the Human Assisted Speaker Recognition Evaluation. Relevant evaluation information is posted to the list. If you would like to join the list or have any question for NIST related to our human assisted speaker recognition evaluation, please email us at