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Official Service Providers

The official grain inspection and weighing system is a unique partnership comprised of Federal, State, and private partners serving customers across the Nation. Our State and private partners are authorized by GIPSA to provide official inspection and weighing services to the domestic and export grain trade on our behalf.

Specifically, GIPSA delegates qualified State agencies to inspect and weigh grain at certain U.S. export port locations; and designates qualified State and private agencies to inspect and weigh grain at interior locations.

GIPSA licenses all State and private agency personnel who perform official inspection and weighing services, and oversees our official partners and the system at large.

Every official service provider operates under uniform, official U.S. grain standards and procedures. That means that while the composition of the official system is diverse, its results are not. Every customer - whether on the East Coast, the Gulf of Mexico, the Midwest, or the Pacific Northwest - receives consistent, accurate service.

Delegation and Designation

The Delegation/Designation Program. Under the U.S. Grain Standards Act, as amended (USGSA):

  • Delegated States may provide mandatory official grain inspection and weighing services at export port locations, and provide scale testing services until rescinded.
  • Designated State agencies and designated private agencies (i.e., official agencies) may perform permissive official grain inspection and/or weighing services at domestic locations under designations of up to a 3-year period.

You can rely on GIPSA's programs and services. We are committed to continuously improving customer service to all segments of the market, from farmers, grain handlers, processors, and exporters to international buyers, to best facilitate the marketing of U.S. grain.

Exception Programs

Geographic boundaries are established that specify each designated official agency's area of operation and thus the customers to whom they provide service. Three exception programs are available which allow more than one official agency to operate in a geographic area at a time.

Fee Schedules

Fees are charged to applicants for those official services provided by delegated States, and designated official agencies. Such fees are evaluated to determine if they are reasonable and nondiscriminatory, before they are approved. See GIPSA Directive 9100.7.

Memoranda of Understanding

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is a documented plan outlining cooperation between a Federal agency and one or more Federal, State, or international government agencies. An MOU generally does not include specific information about detailed scope of work or the exchange of funds or human resources. FGIS has active MOUs with Federal agencies and with agencies of international governments.

Grain Handling Practices

The U.S. Grain Standards Act prohibits certain grain handling practices to foster the marketing of high quality grain in both domestic and foreign markets. These requirements also promote fair and honest grain weighing practices.

Quality Management System