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    Analyst. 1998 Jan;123(1):3-6.

    Rheumatoid arthritis and metal compounds--perspectives on the role of oxygen radical detoxification.


    Medical Department, Kongsvinger Hospital, Norway.


    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterised by migration of activated phagocytes and other leukocytes into synovial and periarticular tissue. Activated oxygen species and other mediating substances from triggered phagocytes appear to exacerbate and perpetuate the rheumatoid condition. Iron excesses are capable of aggravating the arthritic inflammation, probably through their pro-oxidant potentials. In contrast, therapeutically given gold salts, through a lysosomal loading of the metal, inhibit the triggered cells, thereby reducing the toxic oxygen production. Pharmacological doses of zinc also may immobilise macrophages. Furthermore, the copper-zinc-containing enzyme SOD (superoxide dismutase) can act as a scavenger of toxic oxygen in the tissues. Therapeutic remission of RA has been obtained following intraarticular administration of SOD. Intramuscular administration of copper complexes has induced remission in about 60% of RA patients in open studies. Another drug, penicillamine, that protects cellular membranes against toxic oxygen in vitro, is presumed to act as an antirheumatic via the SOD mimetic activity of its copper complex. Thiomalate and other thiols may possess similar activities. Selenium compounds also may act as oxygen radical scavengers. A significant alleviation of articular pain and morning stiffness was obtained following selenium and vitamin E supplementation in a double-blind study on RA patients. The observations reviewed here indicate that metal compounds and other antioxidants can reduce the rheumatic inflammation by reducing the cellular production and/or concentration of toxic oxygen species.

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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