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Oligos Purchases through Intramalls, LLC

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This is being sent on behalf of Diane J. Frasier, HCA and Director, Office of Acquisition and Logistics Management.

Oligos Purchases through Intramalls, LLC

This notice is to inform the purchase card community that the purchase of oligos through IntraMalls, LLC is now available as an option for use by all ICs. In addition, cardholders may also continue to purchase oligos directly from other vendors. As with all purchases, cardholders must obtain written preapproval for any oligos purchases.

For IntraMalls purchases ONLY, cardholders may choose to consolidate their individual oligos purchases by participating in a monthly roll-up program through IntraMalls. Regardless of the number of oligos orders placed, the cardholders participating in the monthly roll-up program will receive one purchase card transaction per CAN/Project Number and per vendor (rather than multiple individual charges) on their NBS reconciliation page. Cardholders may also download a statement from the IntraMalls website that lists all oligos purchased each month, as well as the status of any pending transactions.

If cardholders choose to participate in the roll up program, the written preapproval must include an estimated monthly cost for the total number of oligos to be purchased that month. The cardholder must then enter a log into NBS for the total estimated cost of the oligos purchases planned for the month. If it appears the purchases will exceed the estimated monthly amount, the cardholder must be sure to obtain a written revised funds approval prior to revising the NBS log entry based on the new estimated price.

During monthly reconciliation, the cardholder will match the log entry to the monthly purchase card bank statement. If the amounts do not match, the cardholder must adjust the amount as appropriate. Funds approval must have been obtained in advance for any amounts that exceed the original monthly estimate.

For additional questions on how to sign up for the oligos roll up program using IntraMalls, please contact the IntraMalls customer service staff at 1-888-644-6255. If you have questions regarding this notification, please contact the NIH Credit Card Help Desk at (301) 435-6606 or Creditcard@od.nih.gov
